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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

It's haaappennning... the sun is starting to show its face around here! Granted, temperatures are just barely warm enough to ensure that I don't freeze my face off when I go outside, but I will take it. I don't know about you, but when it really feels like the warm weather is on the horizon, there are a few things that seem to come naturally with the climate change. You know what I'm talking about: Sunnies on, car music blasting, maybe a little giddy-up in your step. Something about the sun shining that just makes everything better. For me, there's also something about springtime that gives me a little itch. But don't worry, it's a good itch.

The warmer the weather gets, the more I start to feel that DIY itch coming on. Enter Mirror Antiquing. Last week, I was feeling extra productive around the house one day. So, I decided to scratch that itch a bit. Just for a few minutes. This one... well, this one, ladies and gents... is an easy one. I know, I know, I have said that about projects before... and before that. But it truly is. This is a record breaker for me, folks. I mean, this whole project couldn't have taken me more than 6 minutes and 33 seconds, start to finish (but who's counting).


We have had this lovely, wood framed mirror for a while now, and while I love the simplicity of it, I felt that it needed a little something to spice it up. I'm not entirely sure that I am done spicing it up, but I love the way the antiquing turned out. Antique, weathered mirrors are pretty in style right now, and I love them in the right setting. So, walking past our bedroom mirror, I decided to give it a go. Just had to figure out how.


Metallic Spray Paint

Black Spray Paint

Paper Towel

Gloves (optional... I didn't opt)

Drop Cloth (again, I didn't opt, but I would recommend)

As I'm sure I've mentioned before, like any chronic DIY addict, I happen to have quite the inventory of spray paints in my garage from past projects. And if hoarding half used spray paint cans isn't your thing? No worries there. I'll show you exactly what I used. Plus, this is one of those projects that you could very easily modify in order to fit your own taste. Remember this canvas, where I assured you that you couldn't really mess it up? Kind of the same deal here. Just follow your little DIY heart.

Surprising as it may sound (NOT), I didn't have a script that I was following on this one. That's part of what makes these projects fun, to be honest. I never really know what I'm gonna get. Now, do I recommend running to tell everyone in your household that you are going to go spray paint a perfectly good mirror that you recently purchased? No. No, I do not. You bet your little DIY booties that I didn't inform my {saint} husband that I was about to spray paint our mirror. In our bedroom. Without a drop cloth (insert cheeky, mischievous, smiling emoji here). I personally let him see most of my projects after they are completed. But to each his own.

But, back to said mirror. I knew I had a bunch of spray paint downstairs, and- BINGO. Metallic Spray Paint. Check. That's where I started. Armed with my can of spray paint, a roll of paper towels, and a couple of brown paper bags (I'm smart enough to use those, if not an entire drop cloth), I trotted upstairs. Now, in case you are wondering: Yes, the thought did cross my mind that maybe this wasn't a great idea. After all, I paid good money for this mirror, and if it didn't turn out, it would probably be a waste. But that thought quickly passed, because, well... that's kind of my thing. YOLO.

The first thing I did was spray a bit of paint onto a crumpled up piece of paper towel. The super technical description of "crumpled up" is very important here, because that's what made my paint actually look antiqued. Kind of like those old sponge painting techniques that we all watched our moms attempt. No? Just me? Oh, right. Hey, I had to get it from somewhere. Anyways, I started dabbing the paper towel very lightly. I chose to dab around the corners and in the middle ever so slightly, so that the mirror would still have functionality.

The black paint added on very lightly.

After I finished with the silver, I definitely liked what I was seeing. But it needed a little something more. So, back down to the garage I went. Adding a little (and I mean a little) bit of black paint in the same manner here did just the trick. It added a little depth to the design, which was exactly what I was looking for. Note: I did not use close to as much paint on the second go around with the black. Very small dabs here and there. I wanted the sliver to be the main focus. I actually may go back and add gold to the mix as well, but I didn't happen to have any left, so that may happen at a later date. I'll be sure to update if I do.

Now, there is definitely a fine line of knowing when to stop adding small detail. It's been a LOT of trial and error for me with projects in this regard, but over time, I have learned that less is more. I find that its best to do a little bit at a time. Sit... take a step back... take it in... and then decide if you want to add more to your work. In this case, I felt that what I had done was enough. And there you have it. An antiqued mirror, in precisely 6 minutes and 33 seconds, and not a single spot of paint on the carpet.

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